CRAFTECH ルーブ・ゴールドバーグ・チャレンジCRAFTECH Rube Goldberg Challenge Event
「ピタゴラスイッチ」でおなじみのルーブ・ゴールドバーグ・マシン。「6シンプル・マシン」を学んでマシンを動かそう!滑車, てこ、ホイールとアクスル、傾斜面、ねじ、くさび。さあ、知識と想像力を使っておもしろいマシンをつくろう!
How and why do machines work? Let’s learn about the “6 Simple Machines”. Pulley, lever, wheel & axle, inclined plane, screw and wedge. Now, let’s use this knowledge and our imaginations to build a Rube Goldberg machine!
Pulley: A pulley is a simple machine that uses grooved wheels and a rope to raise, lower or move a load.
Lever: A lever is a stiff bar that rests on a support called a fulcrum which lifts or moves loads.
Wheel & Axle: A wheel with a rod, called an axle, through its centre lifts, lowers or moves loads.
Inclined Plane: An inclined plane is a slanting surface connecting a lower level to a higher level.
Screw: A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a pole which holds things together or lifts materials.
Wedge: A wedge is an object with at least one slanting side ending in a sharp edge, which cuts material apart.